Fonts: The Quest for Readability

Hello again! We have now nearly 80% of the game finished and we are relieved to see more and more of the game content becoming safe from major revisions. Today we tackle a bit of the remaining 20%, that includes checking that the presentation of the content is good enough not to distract you or […]
Aeon of Sands – watch our first recorded devlog #1

This was our first devlog livestream about our game Aeon of Sands – the trail. We are very happy that the audio and the stream went very well. It’s was a bit difficult to setup, because in Italy the internet connections are not that stable ;-), but OBS has a lot of options to finetune […]
Live Game Session Sunday 05 June, 18:00 GMT on Youtube!

Hello! We have a surprise announcement to make: Live Aeon of Sands game session! Sunday 05 June, 18:00 GMT Watch: We will have a one hour live session on youtube live to play a couple of early levels of the game, and to answer your questions. Please write us your questions in advance here in the […]