Fonts: The Quest for Readability

Hello again! We have now nearly 80% of the game finished and we are relieved to see more and more of the game content becoming safe from major revisions. Today we tackle a bit of the remaining 20%, that includes checking that the presentation of the content is good enough not to distract you or […]
Aeon of Sands – watch our first recorded devlog #1

This was our first devlog livestream about our game Aeon of Sands – the trail. We are very happy that the audio and the stream went very well. It’s was a bit difficult to setup, because in Italy the internet connections are not that stable ;-), but OBS has a lot of options to finetune […]
Live Game Session Sunday 05 June, 18:00 GMT on Youtube!

Hello! We have a surprise announcement to make: Live Aeon of Sands game session! Sunday 05 June, 18:00 GMT Watch: We will have a one hour live session on youtube live to play a couple of early levels of the game, and to answer your questions. Please write us your questions in advance here in the […]
Monthly Update: May

Hello, and welcome back for our monthly Aeon of Sands update! They came from the des… Ahem, rust ants make short work of Setrani. What have we done the last weeks, you’re probably asking? We worked mostly on 3 areas: opponents, text presentation, and a new dynamic light system. In addition to that, a bit […]
Monthly Update: April

Hello, Marco here, writing from a wet corner of Italy, with spring just around the corner, strutting around like a whimsical young lady, promising she has places to go. So I better keep this April update short, to go join her out for a bit! Graphics Last month saw me basically going on creating NPCs […]